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When everything goes wrong

I took a few minutes this morning and wrote some helpful tidbits on how to read the Book of Job better. It’s not easy. It can get repetitive and confusing to some degree. So here’s some extra credit from me to help you on your journey. 🙂

How to read the Book of Job:

  1. Consider and appreciate the literary form. It’s mostly beautiful Hebrew poetry. Not meant to be only read as a narrative/story.
  2. You’ll be tempted to push through since it’s kind of repetitive, but don’t! What if Job was your friend and had lost everything? Give him space to grieve and have sympathy.
  3. Look for the theme in each conversation. Don’t get bogged down in the many adjectives and descriptive words.
  4. Consider the questions Job wrestled with for yourself.
  5. Recognize the necessity for lamenting. When we suffer, when we are in pain, when we go through loss – taking time to mourn is appropriate. God is ok with your tears, your questions, your frustrations.
  6. Look deep into the text for the Sovereignty of God. Just because it doesn’t make sense, doesn’t mean God’s not in it, that He’s not present, that He’s not loving.
  7. Where is the wisdom to be gained in this book? This is considered wisdom literature.

I hope this helps you enjoy reading the book of Job.