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Miracle at the Red Sea

Year in the Bible: Week 6

21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. 22 And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. – Exodus 14:21-22

This week, we arrive at one of the largest miracles ever recorded—God splits the Red Sea. To save His chosen people from their oppressors in Egypt, God opens the waters and allows them to safely cross, and swiftly destroys the Egyptian army that is in pursuit of them. 

Once the Israelites safely crossed and their captors were dealt with, they stopped on their journey to praise the Lord. In fact, the entirety of chapter 15 is a song that they are singing to God, expressing their gratitude and awe and even their fear of the Lord. 

In verses 14-16, it tells of other people groups and tribes in the area who have now heard of the Israelites and how God fights for them. It says “The peoples have heard; they tremble,” and “Terror and dread fall upon them; because of the greatness of your arm, they are still as a stone, till your people, O Lord, pass by…” Wow. The power of God was on display for all to see. His glory and majesty, through the testimony of His children, is being spoken of throughout the land.

Our words can be powerful when they are filled with stories of God’s faithfulness and power.

From this story, there are a few big themes that we can learn. 

  1. Though God’s direction may not always be the quickest or easiest, we know that His plans are good and His presence is constant. The path He led the Israelites down was not the most direct line to the destination, but it was the best way. The pillar of smoke and fire was a constant reminder to the Israelites that God was with them and protecting them on their long journey to freedom.
  2. God’s power is unmatched and His timing is perfect. God instructed the people when to cross, when to wait, when to move. If they hadn’t obeyed His instruction they would have been wiped out by the Egyptians. 
  3. Our response of worship is a testimony. What kind of impact do you think your story would have if you told others about it? If when the going got rough, and the Lord came through for you in a miraculous way, and your first reaction was to worship, or to shout to the world all that God has done for you? Our words can be powerful when they are filled with stories of God’s faithfulness and power.