Year of Jubilee

Every 50 years, the Jewish people would pause to take a sabbath year that was different than all the others. This sabbath year would be marked by rest, celebration, homecoming, and freedom.  Here is the cool part, all of this would be happening while no one is harvesting the fields!…

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In the hands of Jesus

There is a famous miracle of Jesus that I love to read and study. In fact, it's the only miracle that's told by four gospel writers. Anytime, something in scripture is repeated it's worth noting. What is this famous miracle? The feeding of the multitude! I know what some of…

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To bury or sow?

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a powerful story of a three business men who stewarded the resources of the master differently. The master (owner) entrusted five tenants to one of his servants, two tenants to another and one to the final servant. The one who had five doubled it by…

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